Back in July I decided to take a month off from posting here because I was busy with another writing project. Well, before I realized it, that month turned into two and then three. I can scarcely believe the time has flown by so quickly!
It was a fun summer, filled with lots of travel, hiking, biking, work projects and some sailboat racing, but now I'm back at the keyboard and will soon be posting a review of the new Leopard 45 Catamaran. In the meantime I thought it would be nice to share some photos of the high country around Mammoth Lakes, where we spent a few weeks in August and September.
It was cold the day we hiked up McGee creek. At noon a misty drizzle began to fall, eventually turning into a light, intermittent rain. There was hardly anyone on the trail except us.
McGee Creek beaver pond. The pyramid-shaped mound in the middle of the photo is the beaver lodge. This time of year the colors are spectacular.
It's hard to believe that rodents built the dam that created the pond, which I estimate to cover at least four acres. |
A closer view of the lodge. |
It was a dampish hike back down the trail in the afternoon. But nature surprised us with a rainbow. A perfect first day of Autumn. |